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Ofgem recommends simpler energy tariffs with a confusing name!

Have you ever switched energy supplier? If you have, you’re in the minority, as research from ofgem has revealed that 70% of us are not engaged in the energy market. As Chris Hulme pointed out, earlier in the week, the complexities of the energy tariff system is a stumbling block for consumers. So they are recommending a simpler single tariff, with a standing charge set by ofgem. Sound thinking, however lets hope they pull the plug (no pun intended) on using the term ‘Evergreen tariffs’ to replace the Standard tariff, which 75% of consumers are on. Surely anyone who’s heard of green energy suppliers, or is currently on a green tariff is going to be mightily confused! Is there anything ‘green’ about ‘evergreen’?

Simpler energy tariffs

What ofgem doesn’t seem to be addressing, in their recommendations, is the the hassle and time it takes to switch supplier. I’ve experienced the hassling phone calls from the outgoing suppliers suddenly offering you a better deal; the end-list request for meter readings, as they don’t send out meter readers anymore. Then there’s the over exaggerated monthly repayments from your new supplier, as the outgoing energy companies probably don’t share information on your energy usage! And then you’ve got the joy of registering with your new supplier, creating new passwords and figuring out how their website works, not forgetting to cancel your old direct debits. And does it really take six to eight weeks for these energy companies to get their act together when you do want to switch? That’s all if your computer savvy. What about those who don’t have internet access or the skills necessary?

I say bring on Smartmeters with real-time billing and the ability to switch supplier instantly through some kind of login system on the Smartmeter, and the facility to add your credit/dept card details to this meter, rather than opening new accounts with energy suppliers. And a network of advice centres, maybe through the post office/library/citizens advice, to help.

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