Is this a prime example of a so-called eco and energy saving product that is misleading? How can a fan connected to the top of your radiator save you £140 per year? Doubtful! There’s a clue in the name ‘radiators’ they work by radiating heat – hot air rises, no moving parts needed, simple! According to the PR video made for this product it expels trapped air, now I’m confused, where is this air trapped? Hot air rises, that’s how radiators work, why do you need 1.5 watt fan to do this! Saying you could reduce your room temperature by 3°C by adding one of these Radiator Boosters is optimistic! How many Radiators boosters would you need?
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We’re all for energy saving innovations, but will a radiator booster really do much more than make a noise, and create for more CO2 emissions in it’s manufacture and distribution than it will ever save! My advice would to make a draught excluder out of an old pair of tights and save yourself £25! This is exactly why we don’t promote eco and so-called ‘energy saving’ products, just to make money!
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