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Running cost of Liebherr G1223 Upright Freezer*

Product Information

Liebherr G1223
£0.48 Litre £47.23 Year £732.13 Lifetime

On average, the Liebherr G1223 99L capacity Upright Freezer would use around £47.23 of electricity per year. The annual cost per litre is roughly £0.48.

The Liebherr G1223 99L capacity rated Upright Freezer currently ranks 11th in our energy efficiency database.

Over its average lifetime of 15.5 years, the Total Cost of Ownership of this product would be £1,011.13 at current energy and retail prices. This product was added to Sust-it in June 2012. Prices start from £279.00.

Product Data

Freezer Capacity: 99 litres
CO2 Emissions per Year: 34.58 kg
Cost per Year: £0.48/L
Cost per Year: £47.23
Lifetime Running Cost: £732.13
Total Cost of Ownership: £1,011.13

Based on electricity usage divided by weighted capacity using data published by their manufacturers. (np) = no published data. Usage is defined by these criteria.

Energy efficiency relative to other available Upright Freezers in Sust-it's database

Poor Average Good

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