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Running cost of SegaDreamcast Games Console*

Product Information

Sega Dreamcast
£0.01 Day £4.79 Year £23.96 Lifetime

On average, the Sega Dreamcast Games Console would use around £4.79 of electricity per year. The cost per day is roughly £0.01.

The Sega Dreamcast Games Console currently ranks 4th in our energy efficiency database.

This product was added to Sust-it in February 2007.

Product Data

CO2 Emissions per Year: 3.51 kg
In-Use Cost per Day: £0.01
Standby Cost per Day: <£0.01
Total Cost per Day: £0.01
In-Use Cost per Year: £3.99
Standby Cost per Year: £0.80
Total Cost per Year: £4.79
Lifetime Running Cost: £23.96

Based on in-use power consumption using data published by their manufacturers. (np) = no published data. Usage is defined by these criteria.

Energy efficiency relative to other available Games Consoles in Sust-it's database

Poor Average Good

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