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Co-operative Energy

Tariffs, contact details and marketing speak

Co-operative Energy is aiming to be – a trusted customer-owned provider of consistently competitively priced energy. By choosing Co-operative Energy, you may be helping increase the demand for low carbon energy and therefore reducing the demand for less environmentally friendly energy and that’s good for everyone.

Please note:
These descriptions are taken from suppliers own promotional material and should be read in that context!

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Fuel Mix - Co-operative Energy's electricity generation (2018)

Fuel Co-operative Energy National Average
Coal 0.00% 2.7%
Gas 0.00% 38.2%
Nuclear 0.00% 16.1%
Renewable 100.00% 40.3%
Other 0.00% 2.7%

Emissions/Waste Co-operative Energy National Average
CO2 (g/kWh) 0.0 182
Nuclear Waste (g/kWh) 0.00000 0.007

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