Running cost of Citroen C3 Hatchback
BlueHDi 100 S&S
Vehicle Information
On average, the Citroen C3 (Hatchback) would cost around £912.50 per year, based on driving 12000 miles annually and a diesel price of £1.39/litre.
This Citroen C3 Hatchback currently ranks 53rd in Diesel Hatchback cars in our vehicle running costs database.
This vehicle was added to Sust-it in August 2016.
Fuel efficiency relative to other Diesel Hatchback cars in Sust-it's database
Vehicle Data
Description: | BlueHDi 100 S&S |
Body Type: | Hatchback |
Engine Capacity: | 1560cc |
Fuel: | Diesel |
Model Year: | 2016 |
CO2 g/km: | 87.00 g/km |
Noise Level: | 70db |
Road Tax: | Band: A £0.00 |
Cost per mile: | £0.08 |
Cost per year: | £912.50 |
Urban fuel consumption: | 74.3mpg |
Extra-urban fuel consumption: | 88.3mpg |
Combined fuel consumption: | 83.1mpg |