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Running cost of Kia Sportage MY23 SUV
'GT-Line' 1.6 CRDi 7-speed DCT 48V 2WD

Vehicle Information

£1,368.75 Year £0.11 Mile

On average, the Kia Sportage MY23 (SUV) would cost around £1,368.75 per year, based on driving 12000 miles annually and an electricity price of £0.25/kWh and a diesel price of £1.39/litre.

This Kia Sportage MY23 SUV currently ranks 7th in Diesel Hybrid SUVs in our vehicle running costs database.

This vehicle was added to Sust-it in October 2023.

Fuel efficiency relative to other Diesel Hybrid SUVs in Sust-it's database

Poor Average Good

Vehicle Data

Description: 'GT-Line' 1.6 CRDi 7-speed DCT 48V 2WD
Body Type: SUV
Engine Capacity:
Transmission: Automatic
Fuel: Diesel Hybrid
Model Year:
Noise Level: 68db
Cost per mile: £0.11
Cost per year: £1,368.75