Running cost of Smart fortwo cabrio Model Year 2018 Convertible
electric drive with 16'' rear wheels
Vehicle Information
On average, the Smart fortwo cabrio Model Year 2018 (Convertible) would cost around £621.50 per year, based on driving 12000 miles annually and an electricity price of £0.25/kWh.
This Smart fortwo cabrio Model Year 2018 Convertible currently ranks 4th in Electric Convertibles in our vehicle running costs database.
This vehicle was added to Sust-it in February 2020.
Fuel efficiency relative to other Electric Convertibles in Sust-it's database
Vehicle Data
Description: | electric drive with 16'' rear wheels |
Body Type: | Convertible |
Fuel: | Electric |
Model Year: | 2019 |
CO2 g/km: | 23.66 g/km* |
Noise Level: | 66db |
Road Tax: | Band: A £0.00 |
Cost per mile: | £0.05 |
Cost per year: | £621.50 |
Maximum range: | 96 miles |
Energy used: | 209 W per mile |