Want to save energy and money when buying new products? Best4Reviews.com has it Sust
One-stop shop for expert buying advice online www.best4reviews.com teams up with energy advisory site Sust-it.net to offer visitors sound advice on the eco-friendliness of new technology. Responding to consumer concern about the environmental effects the products we purchase and use … Continue reading
Save even more energy by replacing your old bulbs
Changing your bulbs to energy efficient ones can dramatically reduce your energy bills. Sust-it have teamed up with “better generation” to offer you very competitively priced energy saving and renewable energy products, helping us all do our bit to tackle … Continue reading
Sust-it joins the Euro – what’s the cost of running a fridge in France or plasma in Portugal?
Now you can find out, as we’ve added yet more functionality to our site with the inclusion of European electricity tariffs. These have been taken from the dti Quarterly Energy Prices index. So where is the cheapest place to run … Continue reading
Sust-it’s energy saving appliances database updates
This week we have rolled out a number of improvements to the search results pages. Firstly, calculations are now based on electricity costs from a broad range of Energy Suppliers. Simply choose a different Supplier and Tariff from the pop-up … Continue reading
No mention of “power consumption” in Apple’s response to Greenpeace
I’m pleased that Apple’s Steve Jobs has taken the Greenpeace campaign on waste and the use of toxic materials seriously, and has responded in a positive manner – however, I think the environmental sustainability of consumer products is a far … Continue reading