We’ve now optimised sust-it’s energy efficiency site for you lucky iPhone owners, it’s now fast and easy to browse over 3000 thousand products on the move. The new menus work just like your iPod touch or iPhone and all the graphics have been scaled down for fast loading. You can now checkout the energy efficiency of washing machines, TVs or fridges when out shopping or travelling, see electricity running costs over the year, or what they use in standby. Comparing the potential savings of buying energy electricals, or compare retailers best deals with kelkoo’s price comparison site – is easy when you’ve sust-it!
Is it a good time to switch utility supply?
Have you got your electricity bill handy? Or are you checking out the latest confusing electricity tariffs? If you are considering changing supplier- as prices are falling, we’ve now made it easier for you to see what your home costs to run. Simply enter your own tariff into Sust-it’s energy calculator and see the figures.
The lights go out at Woolworths, at least they lasted longer than my Energy Saving GU10 spotlights!
Watching Woollies disappear from our high streets was a sad reflection of the times, but I must admit to joining in the free-for-all crush in the run-up to Christmas, searching for bargains. I was checking out their discounted energy saving light bulbs, as a couple of our halogen spots had blown, unfortunately they didn’t stock these anyway.
Over the years, we’ve been changing all our energy hungry halogen spotlights in our office as they’ve blown, replacing them with super energy efficient ones, which use only 9w compared to 40w of the halogens. In comparison to normal bulbs these are very expensive but should last between 10000 to 15000hrs (that’s nearly 7 years, at 6hrs a day) great, no more changing bulbs! The only problem is we are experiencing is lots of failures, with the bulbs only lasting the same as the original halogens and in some cases less! We’ve even started trying some LED versions, which should last 25 years! However, one of these started going on the blink this week. Is anyone else out there experiencing the same problems? If so, please make contact so we can compare how long these bulbs are actually lasting.
Finally; One of my pals has just bought a 42″ plasma for 50 quid.
I asked why it was so cheap and he told me it’s because the volume button doesn’t work, but at that price he could’t turn it down!

Energy saving GU10 spotlights
Could your showerhead reduce your energy bills?
I must admit when MultiShower contacted us regarding a showerhead that reduces your energy bills, I was a little sceptical. Now having spent a couple of months using their MultiShower showerhead, we can report back that it does work. How? By creating the elusions that you are in a more powerful shower than you actually are, while delivering less water. Which means we are using less of our hot water every shower, giving us a double saving in our water and electric bills.
The showerhead has a cleaver mechanism that creates soft pulses, which are undetectable in use, more information can be found at http://multishower.org
Are STANDBY SAVERS a waste of cash?
There seems to be an urban myth surrounding how much electricity your TVs and Hi-Fi’s consume in standby. The latest Flat-screen TVs, DVD/Blu-Ray players etc. consume less power in standby (0.5w or costing 43p per year on standby) than some of the Standby Savers themselves (1w or £0.86 per year to run). In fact, the most energy hungry items under your television are the Satellite / Digital Set-Top Box and DVD/VHS hard disc recorders, which you’re not meant to switch off anyway as they update TV schedules and software in the wee hours, or have clocks and record programmes.
So what’s the payback on standby savers? If you plug in four boxes all consuming 0.6 watts = £2.52 less (running the standby saver) £1.05 = £1.47 per year. Cost to buy the standby saver £21.95 = payback nearly 15 years!
Here are some simple energy saving tips that don’t cost a mint
- When replacing Electricals or Appliances buy the most energy efficient ones you can afford and make huge savings long-term!
- Become Energy Aware – Buy an energy meter, or read your meter regularly.
- As your bulbs blow replace them with energy saving bulbs.
- Put your Satellite / Digital Set-Top and videos on a separate extension socket from your other equipment, and switch off the rest at night, preferably at the plug.
- Shutdown your PC when not in use and switch off at the wall, as some computers and peripherals still draw power even when off!