simply efficient shopping

When is a tumble dryer ‘A’ rated – but not really?

The simple answer to this is just by adding a button that’s called ECO; the catch? It’s going to take you 8 hours to dry anything! By which time it’s stopped raining and you could have dried it all outside.

Should this White Knight machine be described as an ‘A’ labelled tumble dryer? We don’t think so, as its normal 2 hours cycle rates it as ‘C’ in Energy Efficiency. Creative copywriting springs to mind.

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Sust-it launches ‘TOP ENERGY SAVERS’ ranking for all its electrical products

We are constantly improving the functionality of our site, which is hopefully making it easier for you to choose the best energy saving electricals. The latest addition to the site is our ‘TOP ENERGY SAVERS’. These products have been carefully selected from our database for their overall electricity saving performance and efficiency. This makes comparing the most energy efficient products even easier.

The facility to compare the costs of buying each of the products in our database has also been enabled using Kelkoo’s Price Comparison website. So saving both energy and money should be even easier!

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The HD DVD v Blu-ray format war is over – but at what cost to the environment?

In some ways I’m pleased that Sony has won the latest format wars. Why? Because they should’ve won the first format war of JVC’s VHS tape format with Betamax. The Sony tape format was far superior and became the backbone of the professional video production industry for over 25 years as the BetaCam derivative.

So what has the cost been to the environment? The good news is that this HD format war has been won quickly and high definition player sales have so far, been disappointing. The bad news is that there could be over 50,000 units sold in Europe – all potentially destined to be dumped. Let’s hope they all get recycled!

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“F” Rated tumble dryers – time for a ban?

Walk in to any electrical shop in the UK and you will struggle to see a Washing Machine that’s not A rated for energy efficiency. It’s a pity that does not apply to tumble dryers as Hotpoint V3D01 (and others) are still producing a machine with an F rating! What’s even more surprising, is that when we tried to track down the energy consumption figures from their website, it quotes a figure of 3.73 kWh/cycle – which could potentially cost £172 a year to run! Not bad for a £140 tumble dryer.

See what Tumble Dryers cost to run

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More research at our local Curry’s reveals a figure of 2.73 kWh/cycle, according to its energy efficiency label (F rated), while at a Comet superstore the same model is labelled as a “D” rated at 1.89 kWh/cycle. Confused? Which is correct? Watch this space!


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Confused by all the A Rated washing machines?

You needn’t be now, as we’ve updated our database of washing machines so you can spot the real talent.

If you walk into most electrical stores you will see a vast array of white (and now silver) washing machines, all displaying the same “A” ratings. To help you make a more informed purchasing decision, we’ve taken the manufacturers energy usage figures and divided this by the drum size – so giving you the price of electricity used per kg of washing. The water consumption figure has also been taken into account when we rank the machines. It certainly has changed the rankings dramatically and makes spotting the real winner easier if you want to save energy.


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